Sports Physical Therapy Boulder, CO
At Boulder Sports Chiropractic, we offer 1-on-1 sports physical therapy with our Boulder physical therapist.
Gone are the days of watching you perform silly band exercises, our Boulder physical therapy clinic has a full gym and functional training area allowing us to rehab your sport specific injuries with the latest strength and conditioning equipment. This also allows us the ability to help you progress from acute injury all the way to sports performance.
We offer 30 and 60 minute sessions, always one on one with our sports physical therapist.
Always starting with a thorough examination, we will create a treatment plan that will specifically address your needs and goals. Preparing for or recovering from surgery, getting rid of that nagging knee pain with running, or increasing your maximum squat weight - we will be with you every step of the way.
The chiropractors at Boulder Sports Chiropractic incorporate physical therapy into every treatment plan, ensuring that our patients are becoming stronger with every visit. Chiropractic care and physical therapy can work hand in hand, as both have the same goal of helping to improve the quality of the patient’s life. The major differences are the techniques used. Our doctors use the differences to their advantage and they incorporate both techniques to provide well-rounded care to each patient that steps into our clinic. With the use of the Selective Functional Movement Assessment (SFMA), our sports chiropractors are able to break down normal human motion to better evaluate movement patterns that have the likely potential to lead to injury in the near future. The sports physical therapy aspect of this care comes into play when we incorporate the manual therapy of joint and soft tissue mobilization, sports performance, and muscle coordination with our chiropractic techniques.
The SFMA provided at our Boulder physical therapy clinic utilizes seven key movement patterns which are evaluated for asymmetries, pain provoking patterns, and dysfunctional movements. This allows a better understanding of what the cause of the pain is rather than simply focusing on treating the symptoms. It ensures that both tissue/muscle dysfunctions are addressed, while simultaneously correcting any poor movement patterns that have been developed over time. Each patient is given specific functional rehabilitate exercises based on their pain, symptoms, and movement deficiencies.
Sports Physical Therapy
Sports tend to lead to injuries and pain due to the over-use of certain muscles, collision injuries, or the general impact the body takes during sports. Chiropractic treatment and sports physical therapy methods can prepare your body for the continued strain that sports put on it. If your goal is to return to your sport without pain or improve performance - we can help. By using the SFMA the clinicians at Boulder Sports Chiropractic can not only help to minimize your pain, but also prevent future injury from occurring. This is a great avenue for recovery that is non-invasive, and healing can come naturally without medication.
Gone are the days of standing in the corner by yourself doing exercises with a band. Our physical therapist is going to help you get back to performance using real weights - always 1-on-1 for the full hour.
Physical Therapy after a Car Accident
Car accidents tend to lead to severe injuries and pain due to the high force that is transmitted to your car and ultimately your body. This leads to muscle strains and ligament damage that can linger if not addressed appropriately in a timely manner. We offer physical therapy for patients after an auto accident so they can fully recover, regaining the strength and stability they need to resume normal activities and get back to living life at 100%. When combined with Chiropractic treatment after a car accident, the results are faster, longer lasting, and a lot faster.
Contact our doctors today at (303) 444-5105 or book a chiropractic or physical therapy appointment for further information on how we can help you with injury prevention and overall performance enhancement.
Although the fastest route to becoming pain free and performing well involves multiple interventions and services, you do not need to be a chiropractic patient to perform physical therapy at our office.